This is Gozo for you: Our neighbour - who's Maltese and comes over to Gozo only sporadically - has a couple of planters with bougainvillaea outside his house. They don't disturb anyone, don't block the street or hinder traffic, simply are there to look "nice". A few days ago someone apparently (I didn't see it happen only heard the noise) crashed his car into one of them, reducing it to an ugly heap of rubble in the process. Since the house owner was not in Gozo at the time... well you can imagine: the heap is still there and I doubt very much that anybody but the owner will have to fix and pay for the damage.
I do love this island, it's been my home by choice for many years. But this is one character trait of its people I just
hate. Finding your parked car scratched or even bumped into after a day of work isn't unheard of at all. As for getting to know who did it... forget it! If there are no witnesses you don't stand a chance. And if there
were witnesses? Don't hold your breath waiting for them to come forward and tell you!
The motto seems to be: Hit and if you're sure nobody saw you, just run. It'll be ok. Sad isn't it?
I thought that only happened in cities, it is very common in Brussels to find cars scratched after leaving them in public car parks. Sad that it also happens in places like Gozo!
In Gozo it's on a different level (if this makes any sense at all!). It's accidents I'm talking about, rather than vandalism, which is a rather rare occurence.
I've been taught that if you can't find the owner you should at least leave a note with your particulars on the damaged car's windscreen.
Oh well, I suppose it's nothing to write home about but it does make me angry!
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