
… motorists who tail me, road hog style, but once they manage to get in front of me slow down to a crawl…
… people with nothing to do, standing at the kerb of a zebra crossing without any intention of crossing…
… toilet paper and kitchen rolls that refuse to cut in places they’re supposed to cut…
… my dustbin greeting me in the middle of the road five doors down from my home after garbage collection…
… English television documentaries that are voiced over in Maltese on the local channels – while Italian ones are left in their original language…
… the lady in front of me at the supermarket checkout line who gossips with the cashier, then pays her bill of LM 2.98 with her VISA card…
… the first heavy rain of the season that always chooses to fall just before and during rush hour in the morning…
… those telephone callers (and there are a lot!) who answer my polite ‘Good morning, XYZ Company, how may I help you?” with “Hello? Hemmhekk XYZ Company?”…
… people who insist on a meeting to be scheduled at 11 am because noon is “way too late” – and then show up at 11.45…
What do do you think? Did I leave anything out??
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