Carnival at last!

After a hell of a hail shower came down on us early afternoon yesterday, the weather became pretty reasonable later in the day. A couple of showers here and there were hardly worth a mention and could not do much to dampen the merry spirit!
The highlight of the weekend was without a doubt that several maltaforum users came up to Gozo! There were Drunkenangel and Toothwaste, Johnbull, and later we also met Sharatan and top-mods Phreakles and Tuxka - all of them made for great company!
After pigging out on D-Bar's delicious spare ribs in honey crust, it was off to Nadur to admire all those weird and wonderful creations. I'd say we had a great time; it's so amazing how much fun you can have with people who you've never met before outside cyberspace! I laughed so much that my muscles are still in recover mode today. Not to mention the hangover. Too many drinks making the rounds when you're in a group of many people...
Here are a few pics capturing the typical Nadur atmosphere. If you missed out on it this year - Johnbull actually admitted he'd never been to Nadur before and had no idea at all what to expect!! - well, I hope you'll be there in 2007. Don't miss out again! ;-)
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