Thursday, March 23, 2006


A friend of mine recently gave her blog a fresh look, and by doing so tickled me into trying it too. WordPress seems to have a thousand features and is tweakable at every corner. And the fact that you can integrate it with your existing website (instead of being hosted separately) gave me the final push to have a go at it.

As a natural conclusion to all of the above, I fully expected this entry of mine to be all about how to find my new blog... However, there's nothing there (and won't be in the foreseeable future)! Learning the hard way, I had to make the profound discovery that a thousand tweakable features are just too much for me right now. I don't think I'll be changing over too soon!

The result of my blog-tinkering is that I don't have time to blog today... Must catch up with my deskload of work!


N. B. @ Kathy:
Thumbs up for your new blog! It looks great... in fact it looks like you have loads of spare time LOL!


At 16:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Sabine! *hug*

Actually, I just had a couple of slow days at work. Well, slow for me. *grin* Also, I'm stubborn and wouldn't give up. You shouldn't either!

At 18:41, Blogger Sabine said...

Well, well... For a moment there I had started to think I'm not as stubborn as you are. Wrong! Only now I'm really wrung out, at least for today (see next entry!) Aaaaaaargh!!!

At 10:15, Blogger qaminante said...

I went there anyway, like the new look! I don't know whether I can be bothered to do any tweaking myself even though I find doing that sort of thing is often a very good learning experience. I do find the blogger format I chose a bit restricting sometimes, with just a narrow band down the middle for text (and it sometimes takes me several goes to get text and pictures in the right places). But there are rather a lot of other things I should do with the computer before I start fixing things that ain't broke!

At 14:26, Blogger Sabine said...

You are sooo right qaminante! I mean, with every single sentence you wrote... gaining experience, blogger being restrictive, and most importantly: Why fix something that works very well??

Probably the answer is found in "gaining experience". And it's so darn gratifying when you manage to make something work!! :)


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