R. I. P. Gozo Plus

After a short but painful disease, suffered - more or less - in silence, Gozo Plus, the only publication exclusively for the island of Gozo, was buried today. I actually shed a tear or two. This mag was my dream come true - only very few people know just how big a dream it's been! But to publish it was sheer luxury; even if everyone and his brother suspected us to get bloody rich from its revenue, I assure you that we did not even manage to get paid for hours and hours of hard work it cost us.
The bitter part of it is that I only ever heard praise for it. And then there were all those who were happy to try and get a free ride. Some of them were original enough to get it, others made me want to cry and scream with frustration.
'nuff said. It's part of my past; hopefully I've learnt some lesson from it, which I'll keep in mind for long enough not to fall for my dreams again. It really doesn't feel awfully great when you end up with all that egg in your face! (That one's for all those who - rightly, it seems - doubted my ability to pull this off...)
Well, now it's off to pastures new. Need a ghostwriter anybody? Or perhaps a website? It would appear that I'll have lots of more spare time available now. Go on, don't be shy, drop me a mail! ;-)
N. B. Things have changed slightly, although not for me. Please see my blog entry of 12th March.
Why not take the idea for the mag to Mediamaker? They may put up some money for it, after all they're in the business of publishing magazines!
Sabine, I am PROUD of you for having done Gozo Plus. It takes courage to pursue your dreams. NEVER give up on that. When you fall down, get right back up again. Remember, you're wiser now but don't let it make you bitter. The pain is there, yes...but how can we appreciate the good times if that's all there is to life? I'm trying to believe that too but it's certainly not easy. We're only human. :o)
So hold your head up, be glad for the experience and move on to something even better! You can do it! ::hugs::
Kathy: I just knew you'd say this! One day we'll share one hell of a hug!!! :-)
Sharon: Thanks for reading this, and thanks for the advice. I read your articles every now and again in the Times. ;-)
Unfortunately things are more complicated than I'm able to explain here. Third parties involved... For the time being, at least, my hands are bound.
Better to have published and lost than not have published at all. Sorry for the platitude, it's a real shame it went this way, but you gave it your best shot and some things are just not under your control. It is no reflection on you and your abilities. Now you'll be free to write that novel/collection of short stories about life on Gozo/travel article...?
Thanks for your moral support Qaminante! It's very much appreciated. :)
Just might start on my 2nd novel again, actually, which I had put on ice for awhile. (Didn't have any luck with publishing the first one...)
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