In Limbo
To soften yesterday's bout of acute depression a little, George and I spent an hour in Xlendi. Out of all places in Gozo and Malta it's the only one that till today can actually instill an illusion of being on holiday in me, probably because it was the first place I fell in love with when I came here so many years ago.

Today I'm feeling slightly better, if a little "lost". We watched the formula 1 qualifying sessions, which I actually greatly enjoyed. Forza Ferrari!!! Other than that, I have been thinking about what I'm going to do. Qaminante reminded me - without really knowing it - of the novel I had started last year, then stopped because I had no time nor frame of mind for it. Perhaps I should really dig it out again. Now is probably the best time ever for that! Thanks for the hint Qaminante! :)
The weather, once again, matches my mood. Very grey, pretty cold, awfully windy. Unfortunately we did have to leave the house in order to fulfil our citizen's duty that is voting in the local council elections, which meant that I more or less carefully straightened my hair and appearance, only to arrive at the polling station in a totally ruffled state. Sometimes I envy those housewives who do daily errants outside their homes without giving a second thought to their appearance - coming to think of it, not even a third - oops: should that read "first"?!
Local council elections also mean today one shouldn't turn on radio or TV. If I hear one more statistic about how many votes were cast in how many hours or how many less dutifully inclined citizens did not bother picking up their voting documents at all, I'll scream. Right now, Fleetwood Mac (Dreams) is much better for my nerves! Thunder only happens when it's raining....
I think I must have picked it up from something you once wrote, but glad to remind you of it!
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