Photography in Malta and Elsewhere
If you want to enjoy some really great photography I recommend you visit a duo exhibition to be inaugurated on 9th February 2006 at Il-Forn in Birgu, which is open for public viewing between 10th February and 9th March 2006. Kenneth Borg shows his amazing photos alongside Roderick Abela's oil paintings and pencil drawings. To put you into the right state of mind, visit Kenneth's website, which is a brilliant showcase of his talent! (Can you tell how much I've been impressed??)

While on the subject of photography, this is probably a good place to thank a cyberfriend of mine, Wade from Washington/USA, for always sharing his latest productions of beautiful photographs with me. He usually also shows them off on this page. However, momentarily that has fallen victim to the all-American obsession with the Superbowl XL (sorry Wade, couldn't resist :-p), the extent of which exceeds even the Maltese hysteria connected with the Song for Europe! But do visit the page every now and then because it is updated with new photos frequently! Here's just one beautiful example of his work:
(Photo copyright Wade B Clark Jr.)
Smoke-Quitting Update: Nothing new on that front... but my resolution for the weekend still stands (yeah right: it stands until I fall!). Can you tell me just how an intelligent person can be so stupid?
Thanks very much for your support and for dedicating this post to my exhibition. I'm grateful for that :)
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